Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What do I build?

The first engineers that ever existed invented the brick.  After inventing the brick, they figured they could stack the bricks up and build a tower in the middle of the city. The plans called for a tower so high it could reach heaven.  Man could simply walk up the steps and be with God.  Everyone was excited about the tower, how could they not be?

There was also a man in the desert that built a large ship by himself.  People thought he was crazy building such a big ship in the middle of nowhere.  He worked for many years on this ship, often being mocked.  Crazy Noah they called him.

As the story goes, the tower meant nothing and the ship meant everything.  The engineers and townspeople were building the tower for the glory of themselves.  Crazy Noah, the ship builder, was doing his work for the glory of God. The people who built the tower were scattered and it was never completed, their labor being wasted. The ship saved humanity.

I sometimes wonder what I build, towers or ships?


  1. And that is why I want a house boat. Great words for thought...

  2. I'm so glad you guys are writing a blog about your life in Istanbul. Rich and I think of both of you often, and I'm glad to hear how well things are going.

  3. Powerful words...very thought provoking.

    It is such a joy to be able to join in your journey. We are praying that God will do great things through both of you!
